Friday, September 24, 2010

Whose fault is the Deficit? (posted by DT)

In my debates on budget matters with conservatives, I am always trying to remind them that the reason we have a huge budget deficit is because we have lowered taxes to an unsustainable level. I should probably also mention more that the 2000s also saw huge spending increases on the military in Iraq and Afghanistan and on the Medicare prescription drug benefit, which were completely unfunded (mind you, I don't oppose all that spending, but it's sort of outrageous that the same people who wouldn't consider paying for spending in good times are now arguing for budget austerity now).

The reply from conservatives keeps coming back: What about Obama's deficit explosion? Well, let's just keep things in perspective:

Stimulus spending, the light blue area, is indeed a huge contributor to the deficit this year. But it's projected to decrease to very little by 2012. The Bush tax cuts (orange), however, continue forever if they are made permanent. And they're a way bigger factor. Also of note, the economic downturn (dark blue) is a really big piece of the puzzle too.

I don't know any more ways to say it: the Republican/ Tea Party position at this time is not about balancing the budget- it's about tax cuts for the wealthy. If taxes don't go up, we'll stay in the red, even in good times.

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