Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Deficits and Taxes

So here, via Paul Krugman, are the income tax rates at various income levels as proposed by Newt Gingrich, Republican front-runner:

Yes, this means that people at the top of the income scale will actually pay a lower average tax rate than people in the middle and upper middle (those lucky stiffs at the bottom still pay less, though).  Ezra Klein has some great points on the Republican dichotomy right now: in congress they're refusing to extend the payroll tax cut because it's not paid for, but on the campaign trail Cain, Perry, and Gingrich are falling all over themselves to make much larger tax cuts without any sign of a thought regarding how to pay for them.  So what's the result in terms of revenue?
The tax plan proposed by Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich would add $1.3 trillion to the U.S. budget deficit in 2015 alone, a new analysis shows, complicating his goal of balancing the government’s books.
 That's in one year alone!  It's just mind-boggling that Newt and other Republicans can spend the first half of a speech ranting about the deficits run up by the Obama administration, and then in the second half of the same speech roll out a revenue-eroding tax cut.  And nearly half the country is buying it!!!

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