Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mitt Romney, Ruthless Capitalist

So now Mitt Romney is catching heat from Newt and his other rivals about his career at Bain Capital.  Basically the Republicans are starting to notice that what this important businessman did during his career was to work for a venture capital firm that made its money not by creating jobs, but by laying people off and making companies lean and mean.  Sometimes they even made money by stripping companies, selling off the good parts, and leaving the rump corporation to go bankrupt.  Romney's claim that he "created 100,000 jobs" while at Bain has been proven to be complete bullshit.

So let me be clear about my criticism here: I don't think Mitt Romney and his minions at Bain Capital did anything wrong, illegal, or even immoral.  It's Capitalism, and you're allowed to make money.  If lots of powerless workers get screwed over in the process, well that's capitalism and the resulting increased efficiencies in our economy probably produce more wealth for all of us in the long run.


When Romney campaigns on the basis of his business experience, we should keep in mind what his experience actually is.  He doesn't "know how to create jobs".  That's not really close to what he did- he made money mostly by making companies more efficient by uncreating jobs.  Again, that's totaly fine, and more power to him.  But don't tell us that means he can figure out how to get America back to work- it's simply not relevant experience.

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