Friday, March 23, 2012


The level of lying by Mitt Romney during this campaign is just breathtaking.  I think his strategy is to so overwhelm us with his lies that we all just accept them as a matter of course, excuse them as "what politicians do", and stop talking about them.  
For readers who are playing for the Republican team and need some evidence, look at this. I don't really feel compelled to go over this stuff again, as it seems to me so evident as to be a waste of time to argue.

I've noted before that my Republican friends, who are generally reasonable people who will always vote for whoever will give them lower taxes but who are uncomfortable with the anti-science, religious fundamentalist side of the party, persist in liking Romney because they assume he's lying about some of his current positions.  Don't worry, he won't really end the separation of church and state like he says.  He wouldn't really refuse to bail out the economy if it comes to another crisis. He won't really destroy any rights that gay people have.  He's a technocrat!

Hey, all this may even be true- we don't know.  Now I've never felt like "character" was a great issue on which to base a vote for a politician, as we can't really know about such things.  But doesn't the constant lying worry anyone just a little?  It's just so brazen it turns my stomach.

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