Saturday, April 14, 2012

OK I Admit It- Republicans are Courageous

As I keep reading the reports of Republican proposals on the budget, I've been struck by something: yes Republicans are mendacious, lying constantly about Obama's policies and past behavior, and yes they've carefully been cute about what they want to cut in their budget (no specifics, so they can complain when Obama denounces cuts to Head Start that would have to be part of it).

But overall, the Ryan plan, which has been adopted by Mitt Romney, is a pretty stark description of where the far right wants to take this country.  Huge tax cuts for upper incomes.  Increased defense spending.  Medicare turned into a voucher system with no guarantee of full benefit coverage.  Social Security with reduced benefits to seniors.  And although they don't specify other cuts, the clear implication is the dismantling of the modern social welfare state in the US.

I don't say this as an hysterical or outrageous statement; it's just a statement of fact- that's what the Ryan budget would mean, and when I talk to the informed rabid right wingers I know, that's what they say they want- no more Food Stamps, no more welfare, etc.  They also want a huge reduction in regulation of all industries, meaning the FDA would be weakened, pollution controls would be loosened, etc.

Look, a lot of Americans really do want to end these programs.  The stuff for the poor they see as helping lazy shiftless leeches.  They see government red tape, which is indeed a big burden on businesses, as not worth the corresponding safety is ensures.

I'd like to see this next election as a referendum on the Republican vision for our future.  I honestly don't know how Americans will vote on such a referendum.  Obviously I'm in favor of the welfare state, but I wonder if enough Americans are.  Let's have an honest debate about that.  Through all the Republican lies, there is space there for an honest debate- bring it on!

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