Friday, May 11, 2012

Gay Marriage Comes of Age

So now President Obama has come out in favor of gay marriage- he has finished evolving I guess.  Some commentary touts his "courage" in taking a stand that may cost him votes.

Absurd.  It seems clear that the President has believed in gay marriage for a long time.  Basically everyone on the progressive side has come to that position over recent years, and I'm sure Obama is no different.  So why did he come out with it now?  Conservative commentators are right to point out that it's political calculation; his team believes this will be gain him more votes and/or money than it will cost.  If they felt otherwise, he would have kept it under his hat a little longer.

Of course, it happens to also be the right thing to do.  It's not worthless to take the view that one can look back on in thirty years with pride.  I wouldn't want to be Mitt Romney's grandkids in thirty years, embarrassed that their grandfather took a position in 2012 that in 2040 will be universally seen as bigoted.

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