Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Federal Government is Just Not Spending More Money

OK, a quick chart here that really struck me:

So why is predominant narrative that President Obama is a huge spender?  I just wish the media could accurately report what is going on so Americans can understand it: the deficit is large because taxes have been cut and because there was an economic shock to the economy.  Spending was briefly raised (stimulus) and is now growing at its slowest rate ever.  Remember that there is population growth and moderate inflation, so a 1.4% increase is essentially flat spending.

1 comment:

  1. He looks like a big spender, he smells like a big spender, he spends like a big spender but the chart makes him look like a Conservative Republican. Which is correct? His massive Deficit and Debt growth or the chart?
    Survey results:
    The chart is right 1
    The chart is wrong 2,974
