Sunday, October 7, 2012


My wingnut Right correspondent sent me an article starting with this factoid:
63.7 million Americans received either welfare benefits, Social Security, or support for higher education
I think the point is a riff on the "47%" meme, that too many Americans are sucking off the government teet.  But there are a few problems with this line of reasoning:

Social Security benefits come from the SS Trust Fund, which is funded by.... wait for it.... Social Security taxes, not regular federal income taxes. As the original author of this factoid must know, many more than 53% of Americans pay SS taxes.

So including Social Security benefits in that riff makes no sense.  Next, we're talking about support for higher education.  So now conservatives are suggesting that the government should not be helping low income students go to college? Let's break that down a little:

I know the far Right sees poor people in menial jobs as leeches sucking off the teet of the rest of us. I don't agree that the person who cleans toilets should be apologizing to her boss for not paying enough taxes, but let's leave that aside for the moment. Now let's say this toilet cleaning lady has a son, who wants to get an education so he can contribute more taxes to society and make a life for himself. As we know, people without a college education have very little chance of climbing out of poverty. As we also know, college tuitions are MUCH higher than they were in the old days, completely unaffordable for all but the wealthy.

Now let's say the cleaning lady's son is a nice kid and a hard-working person, but not a genius. He's not smart enough to get a scholarship to a prestigious place, and of course his mother couldn't send him to Costa Rica for cool service projects to pad his resume, so he can only get into a low level state school or a private school with no scholarship aid.

Here's my question for anyone trying to defend this line of reasoning: what is this kid supposed to do if he can't get a government loan or grant to help him go to college? There are tens of millions of kids like that, and they can't all get private charity and they're not all geniuses who can get scholarships to Yale.  Is there some other suggestion for kids like that? If his mother contributes $5 in taxes, would that make anyone feel better?

My conservative correspondent hates it when I call him and his kind heartless bastards, but here they are telling me that people getting government help for education are screwing the rest of us. The apparent solution is for this kid to flip burgers his whole life, or work hard until he's assistant manager of McDonald's, which is as far as he'll get without college. And then they'll still spit on him because he won't be paying much in taxes, but they won't give him another way out.

Everyone can't be rich, after all.  It seems like the new right wing won't be satisfied until we've recreated pre-revolutionary France with a permanent underclass and a permanent ruling and wealthy class.  I don't particularly like the way that society ended.


  1. I might be the wingnut right-wing guy he speaks of. Yes, I'm the guy who has figured out something that my left-wing wingnut doesn't seem to know. The money that goes to anyone who didn't earn it comes from someone like me who earns it,,or recently from China. Now, I have no problem helping the truly needy when we are $16 Trillion in debt but everyone else has to do what we do GET OFF THE COUCH AND GET A JOB!

  2. Star Parker: A Black Woman speaks out

    When I saw Ann Coulter on "The View' with Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters, I knew there would be a fight.
    I knew this because I was also on "The View" a couple of years ago where I tried to discuss my values with the panel and liberal propagandist Michael Moore.
    When Coulter tried to discuss her new book about the history of liberal policies harming the black community, Whoopi cursed at Coulter, then pulled the race card, asking Coulter how she knows what it's like being black!
    Sorry, Whoopi, Ann Coulter was right!
    Whoopi's behavior is typical for liberal elites. The last thing a liberal wants is to lose the monopoly on thought in poor communities, the media and our schools.
    We see the results of their liberal stranglehold where more and more Americans are unfamiliar with what made our country -- work, responsibility, capitalism, family and God.
    If you ask a liberal what they think of capitalism, a requirement for freedom in every free nation on earth, they'll tell you it must be eliminated in preference for redistribution so everyone has their "fair share."

    It's time to wake-up America!

    We must be honest. We will never protect America's freedom if we do not educate Americans about the very things that deliver prosperity. We must have a conversation with the other half of America who threatens all of our freedom.
    African-Americans attend church more than any ethnic group in the country. But our pastors are frustrated. They're asking me to give them the tools to reach the hearts and minds of Americans who grow up learning to hate capitalism and learning to hate the rich.
    When I gave up welfare, I quickly realized I had been lied to by the left, help me reach those who believe liberal policies actually help Americans to prove how wrong they are.
