Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Immigration Reform

Just a quick point about the plans hatched by a bipartisan group of Senators to reform immigration.  First of all, it's generally good to see something happening- I'm sure it won't be what I would want (which would be more open immigration for people who want to come here, especially educated people of all stripes), but it should be an improvement over the status quo anyway.

But I'm a little hung up on the stuff about how there has to be better enforcement of current laws before more immigrants will be allowed to come.  First of all, the GOP hysteria about our open borders leaves out one little detail: enforcement has already gotten way better, and illegal immigration has slowed to a trickle.  In a country as big as the US, with thousands of miles of borders, the current state is really about as good as it's going to get.  To demand hermetically sealed borders is not realistic, and is really just a way to block immigration reform.

But let's say, for the sake of argument, that we could do more and close off the border even more effectively if we just had the Will to do so.  In fact, I believe it is possible to make the Mexican border even more secure.  But here's the thing: that's going to cost money- a lot of money.  Last time I checked, this country had a "spending problem" according to Republicans, who refuse to raise taxes for any reason, and lots of Very Serious People are concerned about our deficit and debt.  So how do we propose to fund all this spending on border agents and high-tech fences, etc?

I've not heard an answer to that question yet.  Let's stop the nonsense about enforcement.

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