Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Killin' Time

So I was planning to surf the intertubes while I had some time between jobs today, but I find that the internet is down here and I have time to kill.  So I’ll write a totally unresearched and de-linked blog post about what’s been on my mind and post it when I get access to the web.  Aren’t you lucky?

The ObamaCare Crap Show

 It’s really disappointing and infuriating to see the ACA website start off as such a disaster.  Now I’m not a techie and I have no experience with government procurement, so I don’t really understand why this was rolled out so poorly.  Was it due to crazy government procurement rules that make it really hard to do such a project?  Was it terrible decisions by managers or by Kathleen Sibelius?  Graft and corruption?  Just a really complex program that would inevitably have lots of bugs?

I don’t know, but the meta-message is bad.  Democrats have been trying to say that government can be a force for good in our lives, and specifically that it can do health insurance better than the private sector can.  Republicans have been saying that everything the government touches turns immediately into a crap sandwich.  Now I think conservatives have set up a Straw Man with respect to ObamaCare, accusing liberals of promising that it would improve prices for everyone and lead to a golden age of medicine.  Obviously that’s setting the bar pretty high, and liberals haven’t made that claim.  We’re just saying this will be a significant improvement over the status quo.  That should be an easy target to hit, since the ACA basically leaves the health insurance and health care delivery systems intact, while funding insurance for more people and solving the problem of pre-existing conditions in the private market.  My health insurance isn’t going to change; ditto for nearly everyone I know.

So the only way this could go wrong is if the new law doesn’t work… and that seems to be happening! A technical problem with a website doesn’t mean that the whole law was folly, but it sure fits the Republican narrative- that government can’t do anything right.  And hey, it’s true that the private sector is way better at things like launching websites, and I didn’t expect the feds to do as well as Google.  But we have a functioning Medicare system and a functioning Social Security system and a functioning Department of Defense, so I know we can do this.  The administration needs to prove it; I hope people are panicking and getting on the move.

That said, I’m still confident that they’ll do so and the ACA will be fine.  By the next election, Democrats will be able to point to a functioning system and say “why all the hysteria from our opponents last year?  What’s the big deal?”


OK Now Can We Put to Rest the “Both Sides are Extreme” Headlines?

I think I’m tapped out on the government shutdown and debt ceiling fight story, which has been beaten to death by every commentator out there.  As you might expect, I side with the Democrats, and am happy to see Republicans getting blamed, as they should.

So I wonder how long it will take for the mainstream media to start writing stories again about how both sides are to blame for the gridlock.  I’ve been arguing for years that this false equivalency is just wrong.  Republicans have moved wwwaaaaayyyyyy over to the right, and really plunged off the cliff this month with their extreme positions and tactics.  But Democrats have NOT done the same, and really shouldn’t be accused of doing so.  Elizabeth Warren, in Ted Kennedy’s old seat, is defining the left end of the Democratic caucus, and she doesn’t have much company over there.  Michael Moore is irrelevant.  Liberals wanted a Single Payer health care bill, and it was never even considered.  Taxes remain historically low, and Democrats are not talking seriously about changing that.  “Card Check” pro-union legislation is a non-starter even in the Democratic party.  Barack Obama is to the right of Lyndon Johnson on every economic issue.  Barack Obama is to the right of Richard Nixon on many issues!  Meanwhile, Ronald Reagan would be considered a liberal by today’s party (remember he supported tax hikes in his second term).

So please don’t try to tell me that “both sides” are getting too extreme.  One side is getting extreme. I want to see them make an honest argument about that, something like this:

Yes, it’s true, we have moved the position of the Republican party to a more pure position than it used to be. We know taxes are historically low now, but we want to roll them back to an even lower level, lower than they’ve been in 100 years.  We want government to stop funding Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security, or to scale them way back, because we believe economic freedom is more important than economic security.

Et cetera.  Instead we hear them talk about how the country is falling apart because of a massively expanding government and welfare state, when in fact the government has contracted in recent years.


  1. As the Friday deadline approaches for Senate and House committees to determine if staffers will be swept into Obamacare like personal office aides of members. Several Democratic staffs will likely be kept out of the troubled health care system.

    Such a move to shield thousands of aides would be a blow to efforts to have all of Capitol Hill enrolled into the system the president and congressional Democrats created.
    “If Obamacare is so awesome, why the hell aren't Democratic committee chairmen giving their staff the gift of losing the insurance they have and be dumped into Obamacare like the rest of us?”

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Republicans have moved wwwaaaaayyyyyy over to the right, and really plunged off the cliff this month with their extreme positions and tactics." Blog Author

    Imagine them wanting working families to keep more of their own money? EXTREME!!!

    Imagine them wanting to cut the Deficit? EXTREME!!!
    Imagine them wanting to reduce the $17 Trillion Debt? EXTREME!!!

    Imagine them not wanting Tax Payers to invest more of their own money in Green Energy Companies like Solyndra? EXTREME!!!

    Imagine them wanting Democrats to be as responsible as most American families? EXTREME!!!

    The blog author is right, being responsible is EXTREME!!!

  4. Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website

    First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
    Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.
    Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.
    Toni Townes ’85 is a onetime policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon, West Africa. Her decision to return to work, as an African-American woman, after six years of raising kids was applauded by a Princeton alumni publication in 1998
    George Schindler, the president for U.S. and Canada of the Canadian-based CGI Group, CGI Federal’s parent company, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

  5. Obama turns glitch pitch man, embraces role of ‘insurance salesman’
    As problems continue at, President Obama has morphed into the world’s most powerful pitch man, hawking his signature domestic achievement to an increasingly skeptical population. Of course all of us have been confronted with an overly aggressive salesman. If we’re smart we shy away knowing what he’s pitching is usually good for HIM not for ME. It could be a car (usually a Lemon) that needs to be shoved down our unwilling throats. Obamacare is free or subsidized to millions of folks, if you happen to be one of them (Unemployed or Food Stamp) people you want it. If you are not one of those people you are the one that Obama is pitching to. You are going to pay for not only your Health Care, you will pay for the Obamacare that the millions are getting free. If you wise up to that (share the Wealth) ploy you will ignore the Insurance Salesman. What happens then? The cost of the free Health Care gets added to the Deficit and the $17,000,000,000,000.00 Trillion dollars Debt we and our kids owe. It’s just another very costly Obama failure.

  6. When a massive/complicated 2700 page bill
    that affects the Health Care of every American is passed and signed into law with no Republicans voting for it
    and a few Democrats holding their noses, offered Billions of dollars in bribes to vote for it what is the outcome?

    The Obamacare Disaster!

  7. CNN Falls To Lowest Primetime In Over A Year; Fox’s Megyn Kelly Returns To Cable News Ratings Top Spot.

    It’s understandable to those of us who were not brainwashed by a Socialist Professor. If you keep feeding the public what we now know is approved by the White House, you get lies and cover-ups. Now that much of the truth is coming out, the CNN/NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS viewer is becoming aware that they've been duped. A legitimate News organization does not play favorites. The Public is who they are responsible to, not the Democrat Party. If they continue to cover up for Obama, they will eventually narrow their audience down to the 20% of Americans who make up the far left. That means they must keep up the cover up or lose that group to reading Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi’s memoirs.

  8. Sorry!
    President Obama said Thursday that he is "sorry" that some Americans are losing their current health insurance plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, despite his promise that no one would have to give up a health plan they liked. Obama’s comments come 10 days after NBC News’ Lisa Myers reported that the administration has known since the summer of 2010 that millions of Americans could lose their insurance under the law.
    "I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.”
    Other Presidents were caught lying, Nixon, Clinton and Obama have this in common.
    After they were caught lying to the American people, they apologized. Nixon resigned, Clinton was Impeached and Obama said he was sorry. Nixon spied on Democrats, Clinton had sex in the Oval office, Obama caused millions of Americans to lose their Health Insurance. Which is worse?

  9. Poor Barack Obama. Ending his fifth year as the world’s most powerful man, he is running out of scapegoats and fairy tales. Blaming George W. Bush has lost its punch, and the ObamaCare debacle is shredding the myths he is competent and honest.
    Still, before he rides off into that sunset of self-pity and low poll ratings, he ought to invite his remaining friends over for a heart-to-heart. That way he can tell The New York Times that its fanatical support does him no favors.
    Instead, it feeds his arrogance and reinforces his belief that he can solve any problem with another speech. The unflattering truth doesn’t stand a chance — ¬until it is too late.
    In the bad old days of the Soviet Union, there were two major newspapers. One was Pravda, which translates to Truth; the other was Izvestia, which means The News. The joke on the streets of Moscow was that there was no Pravda in Izvestia and no Izvestia in Pravda. Today, the same could be said about the once great New York Times. What happened,,a bunch of Socialists and Communists infiltrated the once proud lady. They think they're still in Red Square.

  10. WE CANNOT ACCEPT THIS! If we do, we are opening the door to our leaders lying to us. If that is ok with you and your children then be prepared to pay the price. The price is far worse than whatever good Obamacare might offer. We must stand together and send a message. "WE CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE LIED TO".

    President Obama to lied to the American people
    His poll numbers tumble not because the Web Site is not working, not because the information coming out on Obamacare is much different than was promised it’s because he lied to us. How can we trust him now? What else has he lied about? What else will he lie about?
    America has witnessed something we have not seen since Watergate: The president of the United States openly admitting that he lied to the American people.

  11. President Obama has always had the protection of the mainstream media even when they knew he was wrong.
    As a result, Barack Obama and his administration have said what they felt they needed to say and done what they felt they needed to do for immediate political gain. They did so this time. But this time was different, because this time he was mishandling and discrediting and was caught lying about the great liberal desideratum of our time — a national health-care system.
    This time he hasn’t gotten away with it, he should be thankful that he isn't driven out of office. He lied, but not under oath.

  12. The Super Bowl of Ideology

    On Team Government are 11 Bureaucrats who have
    no incentive to win and no fear of losing their job if they lose.

    On Team America are 11 Entrepreneurs who stand to
    make a lot of money if they win and could lose their job if they lose.

    Which Team do you think will win?
