Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scott Brown's Legislative Career Begins (posted by DT)

So Scott Brown wants to spend unused TARP funds to give tax relief to American workers
I eagerly await Scott's fellow Republicans falling all over each other rushing to criticize him for spending money that could go toward reducing the deficit. What? The Right likes his idea? Don't tax cuts increase the deficit just like spending increases? Wait, I'm confused, I thought the burgeoning deficit was the biggest problem facing our country. It's almost as if Republicans talk about reducing the deficit as a point-scoring device against Obama and Pelosi and Reid, while their actual policy positions would actually make the deficit way worse!
Well, that couldn't be it- Republicans have proven that they are the party of Fiscal Responsibility. Remember when they were in power and we went from a surplus in 2000 to a $1 Trillion deficit 8 years later- oh, wait, that proves just the opposite.

Well there it is anyway.

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