Monday, March 14, 2011


I'm going to second the thoughts of Glenn Greenwald on Bradley Manning, the accused WikiLeaks leaker.  The Obama administration is acting exactly as badly as the Bush adminstration did on civil liberties.

Bradley Manning is an American citizen who has not been convicted of a crime.  He is being held in solitary confinement in a cell 23 hours a day, stripped naked every night "for his protection". 

Now let me be clear: if Manning indeed leaked classified government information to WikiLeaks, he deserves to be prosecuted, sentenced, and jailed for his crime.  I don't want our soldiers dumping information to foreign sources (or anyone else), and I'm all for throwing the book at this guy.

But when Amnesty International is calling for protests over the treatment of a US citizen being held awaiting trial by the US government, something is really wrong.  I guess it's now a bipartisan consensus that inhumane treatment of prisoners is just fine since we're under attack by Islamic fundamentalists.

Sickening.  I think what's most sickening is that there's hardly a peep out there from anyone in the maintream press about this issue.

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