Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rick Perry- Like W, only Dumber

I know there's a lot of noise now about Rick Perry, much consisting of attacks from the Left, but this video clip really blew me away (from Jon Chait at TNR).

Right at the start of the video we get this exchange:
Interviewer: Governor, why does Texas continue with Abstinence Education programs when they don't seem to be working, if fact I think we have the third highest teen pregnancy rate in the country.
Perry: Abstinence works (audience laughs)
Interviewer: But we have the 3rd highest teen pregnancy rate among all states in the country; the question and point is, it doesn't seem to be working
Perry: It works, maybe it's the way it's being taught or the way it's being applied out there but the fact of the matter is it is the best form to teach our children
Interviewer: Can you give me a statistic that shows that it works
Perry: Im gonna tell you from my own personal life, abstinence works...
Please pardon my elite east coast snobbery, but this guy doesn't have the first idea how to be analytical about anything.  He believes abstinence works for him, and common sense tells him it must work for halting teen pregnancy.  When confronted with the fact that it's not working, his mind just goes into lockdown and he insists that "it works" in the face of all evidence.

Look, I don't care that much about this particular topic, and I don't even have an ideological problem with Abstinence Education; I'm sure it doesn't make things worse, and it does send a good message to kids.  But it we're unwilling to look at problems analytically and prefer to "go with the gut" we're doomed to another Bush-administration level mess.

I don't like Mitt Romney much.  He'll say anything and change any position to be president.  But at least the guy's not an idiot.

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