Friday, February 24, 2012

A Quick Point about Mitt

Lots of chatter about Mitt Romney's insistence that the US shouldn't have bailed out the auto industry.  He's getting hammered for this, as he should, seeing as the bailout has been a smashing success by any measure.  But one point is getting lost here- Romney's disingenuousness.

I know, I know- Romney is disingenuous all the time, so it's hard to call him out on it constantly.  But this is what I mean here: If Mitt Romney had been present in 2009, and in the same situation as Obama, he would have done the same thing as Obama.  He would have studied the situation, he would have seen that there was no funding for an ordered bankruptcy, and he would have bailed out the industry for the same reasons the Obama administration did it.

He just can't admit it now, because anything Obama does immediately becomes Socialist in RepublicanLand.

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