Sunday, July 29, 2012

Chick Fil-A and Free Speech

The Chick-Fil-A thing is a strange controversy for me; the narrative is that the mayors of Boston and Chicago are falling into liberal overreach, trampling the free speech of others in the name of "tolerance".

This is an easy one for liberals, though- we should boycott, picket, and write letters, but we shouldn't be using the power of the state to stop a private company from locating franchises due to the political proclivities of their owners.  So I've been looking for lefty bloggers to try to find the actual argument in favor of the mayors' policies.

And I can't find anyone supporting them.  Here's Dave Weigel.  Here's Glenn Greenwald, as leftist as they come. Here's Adam Serwer. Here's Kevin Drum. Here's Digby.  Matt Yglesias and Jon Chait haven't written about it, as far as I can tell in my searches.

Hurray for liberals and consistency, at least in the blogosphere.  Quite a contrast to the righr wing echo chamber, which immediately starts spouting lawmakers' talking points as soon as they say something controversial.

And my favorite comment was one from Greenwald on Twitter:
Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
To all my right-wing-friends-for-a-day over Rahm: I'll be looking for you next time a GOP pol tries to punish speech of liberals or Muslims

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