Monday, July 9, 2012

GOP Governors Rejecting ObamaCare

This stuff has lots of liberals fuming.  It describes how many southern states are planning to refuse to do the expansion of Medicaid that ObamaCare tried to require but which the Supreme Court said the feds couldn't legally coerce.  The Republican governors can therefore legally refuse to implement increased Medicaid coverage, though they're kind of crazy to do so because the law calls for 100% of the cost to be footed by the feds for now, decreasing to 90% later.

For me, my passive-aggressive side comes out here: I say let 'em do it!  Why fight on this?  I'm happy to have the federal government fund more health care in my blue state and save money from the morons in Texas who seem just fine with the highest percentage of uninsured people in the country. We can spend the federal money on something else, maybe even tax cuts. 

What would be really nice would be if voters in Texas and elsewhere vote the morons out and usher in a new era of sanity in the South.  I'm not optimistic about that, but at least I don't have to keep sending my tax dollars there.

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