Saturday, December 1, 2012

Filibuster Nonsense

Please, please Harry Reid, please make sure the Senate is a functional institution!  The subject of the weekend seems to be the filibuster and possible reform thereof.

As people who follow this know, Republicans have responded to being in the minority in the Senate by using the filibuster at a record pace.  While the filibuster was used by both parties in the past, it was used to block specific legislation or nominations- now it's being used to just plug up all business in the Senate.  It's perfectly legal, but it's clearly an escalation by Republicans to a total war philosophy of legislation.

I've said before that the filibuster needed to go, and that if the Republicans managed to sweep the presidency and the Senate in 2012 they would certainly have ended the filibuster when the Democrats began using the tactics that Republicans have been using since 2009.

But as I watch commentary on TV regarding the filibuster, I realize how wonkish this is- Americans just aren't interested in this kind of minutae.  They don't want to hear about why Congress doesn't do anything; they don't want to hear whining about how the majority's hands are tied.  They want action.

So here's what's needed: Democrats need to get 51 votes together and change the rules in any way that will make things functional in the Senate.  They need to ignore disingenuous Republican complaints and do what's needed.

Look, no huge legislation is going to come out of this anyway- the House is still controlled by the GOP after all- but I can picture the next Supreme Court nomination, and I don't see why the next step for Republicans will be to block any liberal nominee to the court.  This just can't be allowed to happen.  So please, Harry Reid, have a backbone!

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