Saturday, November 3, 2012

In the Self-Hatred Department

Oh My God.  The Log Cabin Republicans are endorsing Mitt Romney for president.  Here's the most heart-stopping line from the article:
In interviews with HuffPost over the past several months, members of Log Cabin have said that while they are troubled by Romney's positions on the gay rights issues of the day, they feel that deep down inside, Romney is a friend to gay people. As one Log Cabin Republican board member explained at the Republican National Convention this year, “We don’t listen to what a candidate actually says. We try to feel where they seem to stand.
Is this not the very definition of denial?

Look, I can understand the dilemna of a gay person who is also a fiscal conservative.  The Democrats really do want to spend more government money than Republicans do.  But when the people who agree with you on the budget also consider you less than human, and continue to support legislation making it impossible to marry or have other rights, isn't that a little more important than keeping your marginal tax rate below 40%?

And then, in a similar vein, here's David Frum, the apostate Republican, explaining why he's voting for Romney even though he thinks the party has gone crazy.  The notable passage for me is here:
The question over his head is not a question about [Romney] at all. It's a question about his party - and that question is the same whether Romney wins or loses. The congressional Republicans have shown themselves a destructive and irrational force in American politics. But we won't reform the congressional GOP by re-electing President Obama. If anything, an Obama re-election will not only aggravate the extremism of the congressional GOP, but also empower them: an Obama re-election raises the odds in favor of big sixth-year sweep for the congressional GOP - and very possibly a seventh-year impeachment. A Romney election will at least discourage the congressional GOP from deliberately pushing the US into recession in 2013. Added bonus: a Romney presidency likely means that the congressional GOP will lose seats in 2014, as they deserve.
Huh?  A Republican victory will end up, through some sort of 7-dimensional chess game, chastising them in 2014 to change their ways???  That's a lot of gymnastics to obscure the truth, which is that the best way to get the Republican party to return to the planet Earth is for them to suffer defeat- now. Any victory for the Tea Party is just that- a victory for the Tea Party.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok,,put the Kool-Aid down for a moment, get your Left-Wing heads out of your A--- and get real. There is not enough money if you Taxed the hated Job Creating Rich 100% to have an impact on the Deficit. The money would come in to the Treasury and be spent on everything but Deficit reduction. So, what are you left with? Tax the Middle Class also,,and then have a little more to spend on Green Energy? Get real. Think about your children for a change. The only chance they have to escape from a Greek Tragety is a Romney Victory.
